The following is the excerpt pertaining to LOCI that appeared on the Yahoo TV blog:
"Law & Order: Criminal Intent"
- It was no surprise that Vincent D'Onofrio and Jeff Goldblum have incredible chemistry, but sadly, you won't be seeing that magic with your own eyes anytime soon. They don't share screen time this season, but everyone seemed pretty confident that their characters would meet up in Season 9.
- Vincent D'Onofrio has no plans to leave the show and says he'll stay "as long as they'll have me."
- There will be less about the detectives' personal lives in Season 8. For example, according to D'Onofrio, the show will "go back to where Goren is fixated on his job and solving crimes like a motherhonker." And Jeff Goldblum is planning to "ration" his character's backstory.
"Maledictus" Partners - Part I
"Maledictus" Partners - Part II