Wednesday, August 12, 2009

LOCI Season 4 Release Date Announced

I guess this is a fitting post for Number 400. It sure beats the glum and dreary, gloomy-gus lament I was contemplating. I just received an email from, stating the release date for Law & Order CI...Season 4. Here is the link to the info.

Drum roll please.

The release date is...November 24th...just in time for Thanksgiving. I know I will be "thankful" to finally add it to my collection.

Of course, I could be totally wrong, and I wouldn't want to be labeled a "troll" for starting a false rumor or anything. But I have been a member of this website for a lot of years, and they haven't steered me wrong...yet.

Let's see, "The Narrows" is to be released on November 3rd and Season 4 on November 24th. It will be a Vincent D'Onofrio "bookend" kind of month. Vincent at the beginning and Bobby at the end and me in the middle. Oh, yeah. Finally, a little something to look forward to.