Friday, December 11, 2009

Vincent Hails A Cab

Not quite Dr. Seuss worthy, but hey...I was just so excited to find these without watermarks in a "Google Alert" for the man that I'm not thinking too clearly at the moment. Couple of questions come to mind. One, is black the only color the man wears now? (Is he channeling Johnny Cash, or what?) And two, does he have a bit of a cold, smoker's cough, or just a wee tickle in his throat? I also wonder if he might be silently wishing the photographer would fall through an open manhole and be swallowed by the sewers of New York City.

I also thought about using, "There he was just a walking down the street," because that song popped into my head when I saw him. Doesn't he look great? Okay, so that' rhetorical question. DUH...of course, he looks great! He's a little grayer perhaps, but he's still the best looking man I've seen to come down the pike in a good long while. Anybody else find it impossible to curb the "impulse" to wave back at him? Sorry, it's been an incredibly long week, and this was a nice surprise. Enjoy, if you haven't seen them already and, if you have seen them, enjoy a rerun.

Vincent D'Onofrio hails a cab in Soho.

Oh, and if you "click" on the pictures, he gets bigger. On a personal note, I just upgraded my cell phone to a "Blackberry." I'm too old to learn all this new-fangled "stuff."


Eliza said...

Either you got your alert before me, or I didn't follow the link, but I haven't seen these before. Thank You for making my Saturday :-)

I always feel like I shouldn't enjoy seeing stuff like this, because we know how much he values his privacy..but I can't help it, I love candid shots.

Good luck with the phone!

judith said...

love the pics. thanks for telling us about them.x

Anonymous said...

thanks for this slide. this are wonderful pix

ann said...

i'd not seen them before either, so thanks bobbyg - a real treat

hope all's good in bobbygworld

Unknown said...

Great pics - thanks for sharing! *runs off to apply for a hack license*

BASRIC said...

I had seen it. But I like your slide show better.

Anonymous said...

The first thought that popped into what's left of my mind when I first saw these pictures (very)late last night was 'Did you ever see a DREAM walking....?!' - even if poor Vincent doesn't look exactly thrilled to have spotted the photographer ;0)

Music Wench said...

Nice!!! I want to be a cab driver in New York now. :-D

And as for the Blackberry, even 28 year olds have problems. lol One of the sales reps at the paper got one and it took him a month to figure everything out. Don't feel bad. And you're brave. My hubby got one and wanted me to get one, too but I just said - get me a phone that I can call people with and I'll be thrilled. lol

fuzzytweetie said...

Many thanks to the photographer (I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of "the look". LOL)

He is SO gorgeous!

claire9156 said...

Thanks for the pictures - they made my Sunday. Hope you are having fun with your new Blackberry!

Jane said...

Lucky damn cab driver!

drl59 said...

Thanks for the pictures! I wish I was in that cab!!! I'd get him to smile!! :)

BobbyG said...

With many thanks to everyone who left a comment. I am always flattered when people choose to do so, be they new comers or "old" timers/friends. LOL Anyway, I think it is safe to assume that we would all like to be either driving the cab or otherwise riding in the cab with him (I call shotgun for sitting on his lap!!!) So, I hope the next time Mr. D'Onofrio goes out to hail a cab, he has the foresight to summon a very LARGE bus to carry all of us with him.

Anonymous said...

I will greatly miss having my weekly Bobby Goren fix(aka Vincent D'Onofrio), but I do hope that he will be able to make more movies and, perhaps, even guest star, in some other tv series with his new freedom.

The man always was gorgeous and sexy and is a brilliant actor. As for those sour Grinches who have denigrated him, or like Wolf and the PTB at USA, undervalued him, then I can obl;y poity them for their obtuseness and short-sightnedness!

Have a great and productive 2010, Mr. D'Onofrio, and win the Oscar in 2011!