Monday, June 14, 2010

Loyalty Part 2 Comments & Just Bobby Slideshow

Okay, so I know I am several days late and a whole bunch of dollars short on this post. Sorry, I just haven't been in much of a blogging mood as of late.

And I've got to tell you, if I cannot figure out a way to ward off the bothersome "anonymous" comments that keep showing up every day on a couple of older posts, I may just give it up all together. I'm not talking about the "real" people who leave an occasional comment anonymously. Those comments are welcome. I'm talking about the long, boring, drawn out advertisements that appear in my email...every...freakin' It is annoying. I always reject them, but they keep coming back.

I have considered enabling the "word verification" function, but I believe that would eliminate all anonymous comments, so I don't know. If you drop by some day and find that you have to enter a series of letters in order to leave a comment, please don't take it personally. Blame it on clueless advertisers who believe this type of "spam" advertising actually works. All it does is piss me off, ME...already.

Speaking of "bite me," I have finally decided to post my comments/ observations and the "Just Bobby" slideshow from the last LOCI episode...the last episode that matters to me at any rate. For those of you who don't want to revisit the specifics of this episode, please feel free to go directly to the end of the post and feast your eyes on the wonderfulness that is Bobby.

I have to say that I actually teared-up when the show began and the announcer started with those all too familiar words, "In New York City's war on crime..." I did not expect to have that kind of reaction, but I suppose it just "hit me" at that precise moment that this would be the very last time I heard that lead-in in the context of a new Bobby episode, and I got a little emotional.

THEN we arrived at the opening scene, Captain Ross' funeral scene, and there stood everyone in dress uniform...except Bobby...and I was pissed off from that moment on until the show mercifully ended. Music Wench did an excellent post on this episode on her blog in a much more timely fashion, and one of the comments said that Bobby put his hand on his heart instead of performing an official salute because he was not in uniform. And I read could have been on Music Wench's blog, but I'm not certain, that the reason Bobby was not in uniform was because he had already been suspended, which means the crappy writers/producers "screwed" us over "again." Continuity. Evidently, not an important concept on this least not in Seasons 8 and 9.

You know, my heart really isn't in this, so I will probably skip over a bunch of stuff that I had originally jotted down in my notes; I have not watched this episode since it aired except to do the screen capping. Most of you have probably long since forgotten everything except the hug and peck on the cheek at the end anyway.

But I do have to say that this episode did provide one of Bobby's better lines in that when he and Eames went to collect Van Dekker, the bald bad guy slime ball, from the FBI, Bobby gets all up in his face and says, "You're mine." (Would that Bobby would say those words to me, only in an entirely different context...if you catch my meaning, and I believe you do.) But no, he wasted it on this wart-hogged faced buffoon, who replied with, "No, I didn't know you cared, darling," just before Bobby slams his bad boy butt into the wall.

In contrast to Bobby's golden line is perhaps one of the stupidest statements ever uttered on LOCI by the FBI agent who told Van Dekker that, "the safest place for you is in Federal custody...with us." Yeah, right. That turned out well, didn't it? Anyway, as the FBI leads Van Dekker away, Eames says, "It's bad, Bobby." To which, he replies, "No, it's good."

Then came the opening credits and Jeff Goldblum received "top billing" over Kathryn Erbe. I have to be honest, I was still so ticked off over the "no dress blues" incident that I did not notice this "slap in the face" initially. I read about it on Music Wench's blog, and then I had a whole other reason to be pissed off with this if I needed more.

And then Bobby gets suspended...again. And everyone keeps watching him warily, like they expect him to explode or something. But, no. He keeps his cool, hands Nichols a folder and says he will be in touch with him and also with Eames. I have in my notes that I loved watching how he closed the desk drawer with his...thigh. It's the little, unexpected "Bobby-moments" like that I will forever miss about this show.

Shortly after this, Van Dekker gets offed while under FBI protection. You know, the safest place he could be. And THEN Major Case shows up to investigate the murder. Anyone else see the irony, or should I this? The FBI had shut NYPD out of the case, so why would they let them investigate the murder of someone who know...under their protection? It's not like I care anymore...just pointing out yet another inconsistency.

Don't you just love how... since we learned that Bobby's "biological" father was a serial killer, they effortlessly make the leap that Bobby could be a killer, too. Someone says they have to go where the evidence leads them and they're off...investigating Bobby.

That leads Eames to Bobby's apartment/house...whatever. Did you notice (if you even remember at this point) that when Bobby says he was home at the time of Van Dekker's murder, Eames says, "Alone, right?" But Bobby never answers her. Hmm? Something to think about, or it would be...if we still had a reason to think about this show. Don't get me wrong, I still think about Bobby, just not in the confines of Criminal Intent.

And I have to say, for someone who has known this man for more than eight years, I cannot understand why Eames seemed so surprised to find out that Bobby was still accessing the police data base to ascertain information about the case. He was still working the case. It's Bobby. It's who he is. It's what he does. After 8+ years, she expected something else?

When Bobby confronts the dude in the bathroom and he wants to know who Bobby is and Bobby says, "I'm your worst nightmare," I had to chuckle. I mean, I always think of Bobby as my "best" dream...or daydream, as the case may be. And I have to say that, had the man not already availed himself of the bathroom urinal, he most likely would have "diddled" all over himself considering the way Bobby lit into him. That twerp sang like the proverbial bird.

Again, Music Wench pointed this out on her blog, but I wondered, too at the time...why was Bobby driving an NYPD vehicle when he went to check out the warehouse? He was suspended after all. So many inconsistencies.

If I had been "on my game," I like to think I would have figured out the link between the Patel dude and the FBI. I mean, if he was really a bad guy, why wouldn't they just go ahead and kill Bobby? Which leads me to -- perhaps -- my biggest complaint with this entire episode. Bobby is barely in the show as it is, did they really have to cover that beautiful head with a canvas bag? Which, by the way, should have been another big clue to the FBI connection. Why would the bad guys care if he saw where they were taking him? They would have just killed him anyway after they determined what he did or did not know. Like I said, really off my game on this one.

And I really disliked the black FBI agent who kept saying snarky things to Bobby. For instance, when he threatens to hold Bobby in federal detention and says he heard that Bobby was once committed to an insane asylum. "Is that true?" he asks. Bobby replies that it was for the, "greater good." And this creep says, "Like you know what that was." Argh! I really didn't like this guy, but I loved Bobby's reaction. He just gets this little smile on his face, like he's thinking, "Let me out of these cuffs, and I'll show you insane asylum."

For what it's worth, and even though I hated the FBI bitch, I do believe she appreciated Bobby's "genius" in the end. Enough so that I have to wonder if he perhaps ended up there after all was said and done, or was he too much of a "problem child" for them?

This is also the scene when Bobby says, "Ross believed in what you were doing, and I had a lot of respect for that man." Okay, so that's a nice line and all, but the truth is it always felt like Bobby "tolerated" Ross or anyone in authority because it allowed him to do what he did best...catch bad guys.

Moving on, let me just say that the whole thing with the Chief of Detectives dangling the Major Case captain's job in front of Eames was just plain...nonsense. Don't get me wrong. I like Eames. But she had no administrative experience...what so ever. She had not even taken the exam yet, and she is going to leap frog over every other viable candidate to be the top dog at Major Case. Sorry, not very believable. I understand why the writers did it that way, so Eames could be the one to fire Bobby, but still.

And the knife in my heart? Bobby...wearing a VISITOR'S BADGE.

Look at Bobby, being the reasonable, rational one when he talks Nichols into letting the bad guy go for the "greater good," so Ross will not have died in vain.

And that leads to the end of the story...the show...for those of us who truly believe that Law & Order CI is, was, and always will be...Goren and Eames. The scene in the Captain's office when Eames fires Bobby. He accepts it with grace and dignity, says it's been a long time coming. She tells him he's the best...always will be. They hug, he pecks her on the cheek, says he'll see her around, and leaves.

Eames walks around the desk, takes out her gun and shield and places them on the desk, picks up the phone and calls the Chief of D's and tells him she won't be taking that captain's exam. Fade to black. That's all she wrote. End of story.

When all is said and done, it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth; I will forever believe that these three characters (Ross included) deserved a far, far better send off than this paltry offering. And now having said all this, I am done beating this long since dead horse. I am going back to the beginning. Well, back to Season 2 where I left off in the middle of "Best Defense" and finish screen capping and quoting that episode. There is still a lot of good Bobby to be quoted and commented on after all.

"Loyalty Part 2" - Just Bobby Slideshow - Season 9


Eliza said...

I think you covered it very well, all things considered. I haven't been able to watch it with a wholly rational mind disgust at the way the trio were treated gets in the way.

Want to know something else that really pissed me off? Disc 5 of the S5 dvds had a leaflet with bloody Goldblum on it..doesn't anymore, I ripped it up :-D

Sorry, got a bit off topic..your pictures are wonderful,as always, but they make me sad still.

Oh, I turned on the word verification thing cos of the spam most of the time.I think you can still comment anonymously if you want to, you just have to fill in the word thingy too

Anonymous said...

Happily they knew better than to send ME a 'Fly-er' with my season 5 box set :0)

'Loyalty' was an unworthy ending to 8/9 years of hard work. It was rushed, mostly incoherent, contained some AWFUL performances from the 'supporting' cast and I firmly believe, as Mauigirl pointed out, the only reason for Bobby NOT to be in uniform was because he was suspended. However, since all they were interested in was getting the original cast OUT and the new babies IN, they really couldn't be bothered to get the running order right. In short, it was a travesty, saved only by the sweet ending between Vincent and Kate.

We've never had any problems with 'spam' comments but that's because we don't allow 'anonymous comments' anymore after it once brought us a plague of trolls, so that was that! Try the word verification thing maybe?

TJara said...

I hate those spam comments, and I get my fair share of them - I wish I knew why!! I just delete them, but it's unnerving. I have word verification turned on, so a few slip by that border it seems, I don't even want to imagine what it would be like if I allowed anonymous comments or turned wv off. I've thought going to moderated, but I'm not certain that will really help...

As for Loyalty, you pegged it! I haven't brought myself to rewatch it, doing the icons for Pt. 1 was painful enough... I'm just completely upset about the last two episodes, and sometimes, I think, for me, "Family Values" will always be the end to their story - Bobby coming "full circle" in his healing process after Frame.

And that whole Eames story was completely botched. First, there are two ranks seperating her from Captain (Sergeant & Lieutenant), the administrative duty you have mentioned and she was wearing a detective shield all through the episode. And she was called "Detective", too! Ever since they made Munch a Sergeant, he's addressed with the correct rank...

Anonymous said...

The new season has yet to start in Canada. June 20th is the day. I anticipate the day with mixed emotions. I read alot of commentary on Loyalty, mostly bad, but I'm anxious to see Bobby in action one last time.
You did a wonderful job of summerizing the eps. and I enjoyed reading all you remarks. You may be a little behind the eightball with your review, but now alot of the drama of Vincent leaving has settled down somewhat, it made it much easier to read.

Anonymous said...

Hello Bobby G I have to say I Love your Caps you have the best!You allways you capture every single thing...
As far as Vincent leaving the show and all the comments about " Jeff" all over the interent.. Well Fans need to understand Vincent had had it ... in his own words he said he was done . He wanted to leave it was his choice . I personaly do not watch CI anymore.. Not because of Jeff but his partner Makes me sick ! & to me Law & Order Criminal Intent is and was "Vincent D'Onofrio" PERIOD. I do not see a season 10 Happening ? Just my opinion.