Monday, October 24, 2011

The Same Day I Landed In The Hospital... niece, who lives near Columbus, had a bicycle accident on her way to work, and broke BOTH wrists and an elbow. Julie is a librarian, and likes to ride her bike to work when the weather is nice. That particular day, what I remember of it, was sunny and warm and, therefore, conducive for a nice, leisurely bike ride.

I guess the groundhog that ran out in front of her, thereby, causing her to wreck, was of the same inclination. You know, get out and enjoy the day and wreak a little havoc before beginning hibernation.

This is Julie when she was about two years old. These are, perhaps, my favorite pictures of her growing up. I am so grateful she posted them on her Facebook page.

Now that Julie is all "grown up," she prefers to be called "Julia," and the following photos were taken three days after the accident, then a week or so later (respectively).  My sister-in-law, Marge, has been taking care of her.  She said, especially in the beginning, it was like taking care of a baby all over again because she had to do "everything" for Julie.  

Bless her heart.


Music Wench said...

Poor thing! One wrist would be bad enough but both! I hope she heals quickly. I've never broken anything (knocks on wood) and hope to never do so. Sprains are bad enough!

Cute photos of her as a child. Looks like she's reacting to what happens to her as an adult! :-)

Anonymous said...

A speedy recovery is wished!

I cycle too (not as much now as I should!), but as a car driver as well, it frightens me how many people seem to think they glow in the dark when they ride a bike with no lights, and in dark clothes. Last night when I went out, it was pouring with rain too, yet I saw 4 cyclists with not a light between them. If someone had hit them, as they cycled along almost invisibly, I'm sure they would have been MOST surprised. Since you can't buy a car or motorbike without lights, I don't see why the same doesn't apply to bikes. Sorry, that's no reflection on Julia, it's just a personal bugbear.

BobbyG said...

Music Wench: I've never had a broken bone either and, like you, I'm knocking on wood because the older I get, the more brittle my bones are becoming, I'm sure. LOL

Thanks for pointing out the connection between her baby photos and the ones with her arms/wrists in casts. I truly had not noticed it, but you're right; especially the one with the "grumpy" face. Almost as if she is giving that groundhog "what for" for causing her wreck.

BobbyG said...

Diane: I know what you mean. In my case, rather than bikers, it is pedestrians. When I first moved to Cincinnati and would watch the news, it amazed me as to the number of people who were hit by cars. Now, after living here for 14+ years, I know why. I cannot begin to tell you how many people have just brazenly walked out in front of my car over the years. (They are not in crosswalks, mind you.) They are either talking on cell phones, are completely lost in thought, are simply not paying attention, or just don't give a flying...hoot. So, I do understand your frustration.

Anonymous said...

Yep, we have the same thing here. I guess the people involved 'know' they're there so they assume everyone else does too!