Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Newest Guilty Pleasure...Justified

Well, a girl has to have "something" to help while away the long, cold, dark, lonely hours of a Cincinnati winter night. So, I looked around and I found Raylan Givens.  Actually, I found him at the end of Season 1, so I got caught up (thank you Netflix and the Internet) and I have to say that I do enjoy this man, I truly do.  This tall, good lookin', long-legged, hat wearin', U.S. Marshal with a GREAT... BIG...gun.

Granted, he's no Bobby, but he'll do in a pinch.

Season 3 Promo

Producer Chats About Season 3


havers said...

I really like the trailer. It would be cool the get the sho also to Germany.

BobbyG said...

Hi Havers: I'm not sure how well the storyline would translate into German, but it would be worth it just to look at HIM. (LOL)

Anonymous said...

A girl has to fill her Bobby-less time somehow ;0)