Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hollywood D'os & D'on'ts By Vincent D'Onofrio

I "almost" didn't open this when I received it in my VDO Google Alerts because I "assumed" it was just a repeat of the articles/ videos I've been receiving the past week or so regarding "Don't Go In The Woods." But I did open it, and I'm so glad I did. Again, I'm sure this has been posted on all the favorite VDO sites, but I don't visit those places like I used to, so I'm posting here. That way, I can look at it whenever I want, and I think I might be wanting to look at this a LOT.

How funny! "Do not talk to me if you see me at Starbucks," is one of my favorites, although there were "several" other good ones.  Yes, I do believe this video is worthy of many, many viewings. And it was so nice to see him doing something humorous and lighthearted for a change. He should do it more often.  What a perfectly lovely surprise with which to begin my Saturday.

Get More: MTV Shows

P.S. After a little research, I guess this has been around for about a week. Oh, well. Better late than never; especially when VDO is concerned.


Anonymous said...

My favourite thing this year (so far!)

BobbyG said...

Mine, too. Although I'm sure I've missed some things along the way.