Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hollywood D'os & D'on'ts By Vincent D'Onofrio

I "almost" didn't open this when I received it in my VDO Google Alerts because I "assumed" it was just a repeat of the articles/ videos I've been receiving the past week or so regarding "Don't Go In The Woods." But I did open it, and I'm so glad I did. Again, I'm sure this has been posted on all the favorite VDO sites, but I don't visit those places like I used to, so I'm posting here. That way, I can look at it whenever I want, and I think I might be wanting to look at this a LOT.

How funny! "Do not talk to me if you see me at Starbucks," is one of my favorites, although there were "several" other good ones.  Yes, I do believe this video is worthy of many, many viewings. And it was so nice to see him doing something humorous and lighthearted for a change. He should do it more often.  What a perfectly lovely surprise with which to begin my Saturday.

Get More: MTV Shows

P.S. After a little research, I guess this has been around for about a week. Oh, well. Better late than never; especially when VDO is concerned.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Newest Guilty Pleasure...Justified

Well, a girl has to have "something" to help while away the long, cold, dark, lonely hours of a Cincinnati winter night. So, I looked around and I found Raylan Givens.  Actually, I found him at the end of Season 1, so I got caught up (thank you Netflix and the Internet) and I have to say that I do enjoy this man, I truly do.  This tall, good lookin', long-legged, hat wearin', U.S. Marshal with a GREAT... BIG...gun.

Granted, he's no Bobby, but he'll do in a pinch.

Season 3 Promo

Producer Chats About Season 3

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Big Bang Theory Turns 100

One hundred episodes, that is. If there is one thing I love more than Detective Robert Goren, it's TV shows that make me laugh, and TBBT more than foots the bill on that score. I have to admit that I didn't much care for it when it came on the air five years ago, but one of my co-workers kept talking it up, so I gave it another chance last year. I caught up with all the seasons via Netflix and now it is one of my absolutely "favorite" sitcoms...of all time.

As with LOCI, I have watched the episodes over and over and can quote dialog, etc.  I just love these geeky, nerdy guys and the women in their lives; they make me fall down laughing.  I don't agree... entirely...with the choices the "powers that be" at CBS chose for their TOP 10 moments, but three of mine are in there, including... and especially...Number 1.  (They got that one right.)

Now, I truly do not expect anyone to watch the video or comment on it, but I wanted to put it here, so I could watch it whenever I choose to do so.  So, to the cast I say, "Congratulations on 100 episodes, and...may the force be with you...for another 100."

P.S. It's too bad NBC or Universal didn't give us a TOP 10 favorite moments from LOCI or, if they did, I've never seen them.  I'm certain, however, that all the "Bobby-lovers" out there have their TOP 10 (at least) Bobby moments.  I know I do.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Vincent D'Onofrio On The Radio

I'm sure this has been posted on every VDO blog out there, but I don't care.  I want to have it here. And, yes, Vincent, you are a "genius" character actor.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Something To Make You Smile

Well, it made me smile in any event and, I'm guessing, over 85 million people can't be wrong, so here is the talking dog video that went "viral" on YouTube.  I just LOVE this dog; he's got such a "face."

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Goodbye 2011...Hello 2012

It's that time of year again, to bid farewell to the old and look forward with giddy anticipation to the new. Or, as I have come to expect:  new day, new year...same old crap. Hope your 2012 is everything you want it to be...and then some.

And to say goodbye to 2011, I give you "Uncle Jay" and his singing review of the "highlights" of 2011. Enjoy!