Monday, May 2, 2011

"You Respect My Face...And Don't Get In It"

Sounds simple enough...right?

Crappy, bothersome, "get in the way," commercial messages; they're everywhere!


Music Wench said...

I guess this captain doesn't want to get into yelling matches with Goren like Ross did. Then again this captain is scarier looking. He used to be a contract killer after all in Dead. lol

I am quite happy with the new season one episode in. Don't even care any more that the explanation of their return happens the second episode in.

Thanks for posting! I rarely watch USA so I tend to miss these.

Eliza said...

I'm looking forward to getting to know the new captain better..we hardly saw him in Rispetto. Wonder if we'll be introduced to him properly next week or if he'll just be plonked in to MC without any explanation?

TJara said...

I'm really liking the new guy! Order switch messed up things, but I think he'll be fun!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could forget seeing him tearing his garage apart looking for a mythical tooth cap - and I'll look forward to watching 'Rispetto' AFTER I've seen this one :0)