Sunday, October 5, 2008

The VP Debate...SNL Style

I was so caught up in the Dodgers/Cubs game last night and screen capping an episode of Law & Order Criminal Intent for a future post that I completely forgot about SNL and how they would most likely do a hilarious "spoof" of Thursday's debate. So, I checked out NBC online this morning and was genuinely pleased to find the following video. It's a bit long, but oh so funny.

I love Queen Latifah and Tina Fey could build an entire career with her "spot on" imitation of Sarah Palin. As for Palin's overuse of the word "maverick," I kept expecting Biden to say, "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." Ah, I've quoted "The Princess Bride." I can make it through the day betcha...wink, wink.

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