Friday, August 14, 2009

Town Hall Meeting Mishegaas

Well, it's been a long, trying day, and here I am with the "big-eye" unable to fall asleep. There is nothing on television worth watching, so I is my the Internet to wile away a few minutes until the Tylenol PM I took THREE HOURS AGO decides to "kick in."

I had not visited "The Daily Show" in a while and, considering the mayhem that has been going on under the guise of "discussing" the President's proposed health care plan via "civilized" town hall meetings, I knew Jon Stewart would have something to say about that. And he did. I do not know enough about the President's proposed plan to discuss it intelligently, so I'm not going to say anything more than a generic...the health care system in this country is out of control and something needs to be done.

Maybe this isn't the perfect plan, or the best plan, or even the right plan. But we'll never know if the "idiots" of this country don't stop yelling at each other long enough to discuss it rationally, intelligently, and thoroughly to whittle away the bullshit and give "ALL" the American people what they need and deserve...access to health care.

Music Wench says it way better than I ever could on her blog. You can read her take on it here. I love it when she talks about the lady who said, "we need to take the government out of Medicare." Stupid much? I think she...meaning Music Wench...should be a guest on Jon Stewart's show.

Sarah Palin and the GOP are talking about "death panels." What an absurd, insipid little piss ant of a woman. Isn't it about time she crawled back under that rock from which she slithered a year ago? I think it's time the Democrats turned the tables right back on the lot of them and told their "fellow Americans" how it really is. That being...if the Republicans had their way only thin, attractive, carved-out-of-cream-cheese, affluent, Bible-toatin', card carryin' NRA members would be allowed access to health care in this country. In case you haven't noticed, the GOP doesn't care about the rest of us, folks.

Okay, climbing down from my lofty perch now and turning it over to Jon Stewart. The lady at the end, who is screaming at Senator Phil Spector at a town hall meeting, later ends up on the Republican News Network...otherwise known as FOX. When the reporter asks her what she thought of the Senator's response to her question, she admits she didn't listen to it. And that's the problem, people. Everyone is screaming and one is "listening." Idiots and assholes ...they're everywhere.

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