Wednesday, June 22, 2011

LOCI Reshoot

Once again, these simply delightful photos may be found...pretty much everywhere. But I like to keep them here, too. I thought it was cute to see Kathryn Erbe with the water bottle for a change; I know how we all "freak out" when VDO or "Bobby" takes a sip from a bottle or walks or sits or stands know...just breathes. He sure does look like he is about to enjoy that sandwich though. Nice pics. Oh, and I found them at

And on a completely different note:

Dearest Vincent:

I was sorely disappointed to learn that you are...alas and alack...a Yankees fan. I had always pictured Bobby (and, therefore, you by association, I suppose) as a Mets fan, but then I'm a "National League" girl...born and raised...and that is where my loyalties have always been and shall forever remain. As luck, fate, the "stupid" MLB would dictate, however, your "Bronx Bombers" are presently visiting my fair city and kicking the collective butts of my own fumbling, bumbling Reds. (Interleague Play. NOT a fan.) In short, I'm tired of your "boys of summer" beating up on my "boys of summer," so please, PLEASE, dear Vincent, tell your guys to take their "balls" and go home.



What can I say? When one is a diehard fan of the Cincinnati Reds, one gets used to being disappointed. As my brother and I are wont to say, "They'll break your heart every time."


havers said...

I'm so impressed of the picture: Kathryn sitting thoughtful on the stairs. Great shot.

Music Wench said...

Love these photos. I have them on my computer. They both look so happy.

I understand how you feel about the Yankees. My team is American League but they do the same thing to me. They disappoint in the end. We always joke when they're doing well that don't worry, they'll start sucking any day now. lol

I think it's obligatory to hate the Yankees if they're not your team. It's like the universal rule in baseball no matter what league you prefer. ;-)

fuzzytweetie said...

Join the club, albeit, a Twins club....

Anonymous said...

I'd be very curious to see what 'The End' looked like BEFORE they did the re-shoot. Sadly, I'll probably take my curiousity to the grave, along with 'How the hell did he get his badge back' ;0)

Eliza said...

Things have been a bit hectic here (my mum has been having a few problems) so I'm playing catch-up..again :-(

I haven't seen all of these before..the one with V and the sandwich is going to be a new favourite I think

BobbyG said...

Eliza, So sorry to hear about your mum. Hope things are better now. And, yes, I particularly enjoyed the photo of VDO with the sandwich.