Saturday, January 10, 2009

Joe...The Reporter??

I came home from work last night and did an unusual thing...I did not turn on my computer. I did not check email, or visit any of my regular "blog" friends. I did not call anybody, or fix dinner. Instead, I climbed immediately into my warm bed and watched TV all evening until it was know...bed time. And you know what, I woke up this morning, and the world had not come to an end because I altered my routine a bit.

At least, I thought the world was still "normal" until I switched on the TV to see the morning weather and news and saw the following clip from "The Daily Show." Now, I had read the headlines about the latest "Joe The Plumber" fiasco somewhere on the Internet and Music Wench elaborated about it on her blog a couple of days ago. But until one actually "hears" this ridiculous man talk about his new "vocation" as a "correspondent" in the Middle East...well... one cannot truly appreciate the sheer lunacy of the situation.

Leave it to Jon Stewart to put things in perspective. The following video is from The Daily Show web site. The clip starts with some lighthearted discussion and "digs" at the White House luncheon this week featuring all the living U.S. presidents and president-elect Barack Obama then transitions to the story about our new "ace" reporter. When all is said and done, it just goes to prove that the world is a pretty screwed-up place. That's why, after I finish this, I'm headed back to bed and TV-Land.