Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"Phantom" Bobby

I'm not feeling particularly chatty this evening, but I wanted to get this set of slideshows up for anyone "out there" who might be interested at a peek at our intrepid detective. And, if no one else is interested, I know I sure am.

Bobby shows off his "helpful" side in this episode; i.e., stirring the Bouillabaisse and untangling the strings of the wind chime. And is there any man alive who looks sexier in a blue shirt?

Like I said, don't have much to say, so let's just look at this incredible words necessary. Besides, didn't someone once say "a picture is worth a thousand words?" If that's the case, there are several thousand "words" awaiting you in the slideshows below.

"Phantom" Bobby - Part I

"Phantom" Bobby - Part II