Monday, November 24, 2008

"The Insider" Quotes

I must have been in a pretty "cranky" mood when I originally made my notes for this episode, because I said some really nasty, unkind things about the Lilly character. I decided to "tone it down" for the post, however. Suffice to say, I didn't like the spoiled-rotten brat one little bit. I did like "The Insider" overall. It was fun watching Bobby; et. al., match wits with the FBI and come out on top.

In this episode, we get a rare glimpse of Bobby...the teacher. When we first see him, he asks the young cop on the scene “what he makes of this?” When the kid offers his assessment of how the guy was murdered, Bobby then gives him a lesson in how to analyze a crime scene, but in a good way. He did not come across as being superior or arrogant.

Ever notice how Bobby sometimes stammers a little bit when he’s around/questioning pretty young girls? And when the young chippie tells him she wouldn’t associate with people who carry weapons, “now, would I,” I love the sarcastic/cynical expression Bobby shoots her way. All in all, I do not believe he was overly impressed with the upstart debutante.

Hmm? I don’t know if it’s me or what, but I’m not finding a lot to comment on in this episode. I mean, I liked it…I’m just not noticing a lot of Bobbyisms in the first half…other than an inordinate amount of tongue flicks. I’ve counted four so far. Sometimes, we can watch an entire episode without that titillating organ making an appearance. Not so in this one. It is…distracting…but in a very good way.

Okay, this is as good a place as any to insert the first slideshow. There are six altogether, although the last one is shorter than the rest.

"The Insider" - Part I

I felt sorry for Pete, the poor schmuck who got beat up and then Bobby and Eames coax him into fingering the guys that did the beat-down. The scene where Bobby is sitting next to Pete on the couch cracks me up. I mean, there he is in a sling, his face is all beat up, and Bobby reaches over and gives the guy a "comforting" pat on the back causing Pete to wince slightly. I'm thinking, way to go, Bobby. That’s a heck of a way to treat your star witness.

There is another repeat guest star sighting in this one. Well, there may be more, but I found one. The red head, Serena. She was with Lilly at the club. Anyway, she shows up again in Season 5 in "Proud Flesh" as the wife of the guy that Eames ends up shooting on the courthouse steps.

"The Insider" - Part II

While, I did not care at all for the FBI guy, he was an excellent foil for Bobby's superior intellect. I loved it when Bobby told him, in no uncertain terms, that the club was on their beat. In this episode, we learn that undercover work just isn’t in Bobby’s least that's what he says to Hampton. Now, Bobby's talking about police undercover work here 'cause I'm fairly confident the “other kind” of undercover work is very much in his nature.

Okay, I “assume” Bobby took both coffee cups to Forensics because he wasn’t quite certain which one was his and which one Hampton had used. If not, he was just messing with the folks in the lab for the hell of it. And he is obviously not a vegetarian since he had pastrami for lunch that day, which gave him heartburn...hence the antacid. All I'm saying is, the next time Bobby feels the urge to have his saliva “analyzed,” I volunteer for the job.

"The Insider" - Part III

I love Bobby’s reaction when Deakins asks him what his problem is with Hampton. Bobby sighs and sort of shivers his distaste/dislike for the guy. I’ve known people like that in my life, so I know where Bobby’s coming from. I also like his reaction when Deakins tells him not to talk to him about Hampton as a suspect until he comes up with a motive. Tsk, tsk…shouldn’t Deakins know our Bobby well enough by now to realize that nothing motivates him more than a challenge like that, as was evidenced by the look he threw at Eames and his subsequent demeanor as he exited Deakins’ office.

Ah, he’s not sporting the infamous tie clip. At least he’s not in the scene at the foundation office where he places the cell phone call to Phoenix. Check out the phone, by the way…the pull up antenna. Boy, things sure have changed in a relatively short amount of time. Oh, and was anyone else “turned on” when he used his “teeth” to tug the antenna into position. It’s the little things we all notice.

"The Insider" - Part IV

Once again, the best line of the episode goes to Eames; i.e, “And I want a foot massage from Derek Jeter.” I feel the same way, Eames, only I want my massage from that tall drink of water who is standing beside you when you deliver this line.

I loved it when Bobby proved the arrogant FBI guy wrong about the knife used to kill Carlyle. His smug, “well, right there you’re wrong,” really touched a nerve, but Bobby promptly set him straight. Poor, stupid, little man, could not tell when he was up against a superior intellect. And, yes, about half-way through the show, I learned that the FBI guy’s name was Wallis, but I like the sound of “FBI Guy” better.

Anybody else want to smack the smug twerp, Hampton, when he called Bobby a frustrated, second-rate city cop? Idiot dirtball.

And the second best line goes to Bobby when he "leans" down to tell Vinny if he doesn’t hang the murder rap on Hampton, then Bobby’s going to hang it on him. I do love it so when Bobby uses his “powers of persuasion” to “coax” the bad guys into doing his bidding.

"The Insider" - Part V

I don’t know how many times I’ve seen this episode, but I’ve seen it a LOT…okay. So, how come I’m just noticing the line Bobby says to Hampton when he enters the hotel room, and he goes over and thumps the bed and asks him if he’s given it a workout yet. So, the image that immediately comes to my mind is: hotel sex with Bobby. Oh yeah, I could so get on board with that!

I have to say that I was a little disappointed with Bobby’s "gotcha" scene or “aria” with Hampton. When he said Lilly was weak and Hampton used her and that really pissed him off...I guess I just expected something a little more eloquent from my big guy.

I loved Hampton’s reaction at the end. He just couldn’t believe that the FBI Guy was handing him over to the NYPD…that he had, in fact, been nailed by a “frustrated, second-rate city cop.” So much for what he knows. There is absolutely nothing second-rate about Bobby. He’s grade A, number one PRIME all the way.

"The Insider" - Part VI

You know, I should probably comment on how Carver supported Bobby & Eames, and how Deakins "appeared" to be more interested in covering his butt than taking on the FBI. Guess I just did, huh? All the "regulars" had some good moments in this one. Next up..."Homo Homini Lupis."