Sunday, November 23, 2008

Partners From "The Insider"

Here are a couple of slideshows of Goren & Eames as they go about tracking down the smarmy perp in this episode from Season 1. This one had a lot of twists and turns and a couple of roadblocks thrown in to boot...from the feds. It was oh so interesting to watch them pick their way through the maize of clues to the ultimate satisfying conclusion.

I especially liked Deakins' line about Bobby's "magic gut." I've got news for the Captain, however. I've got a sneaking suspicion that the dear boy has a "wand" that's got a bit of magic in it as well. Hey, don't blame me. It's Sunday's been a long weekend.

Partners Slideshow - "The Insider" - Part I

Partners Slideshow - "The Insider" - Part II