Wednesday, July 1, 2009

"Lady's Man" Two Minute Replay

I finally finished screencapping the episode last night, but am still organizing my thoughts...such as they it will be a couple of days before I get around to that post, along with a ton of pictures.

But, speaking of smarmy "Ladies' Men," have you been following the story out of South Carolina and their pathetic schmuck of a governor, Mark Sanford? Are men really this stupid? (Sorry, that was a rhetorical question.) He ditches his security team and "slithers" off to Argentina for a clandestine assignation with his South American babe, then comes sniveling back home to "explain" his actions. Do people who conduct their lives in the public eye truly believe they can do stuff like this and get away with it? That no one will pay attention? That no one will care that the governor of a state has gone missing? Who am I kidding? We have become a "morally bankrupt" society...nothing should surprise me.

Evidently, when his wife found out about his transgressions with this woman, she forgave him, but told no uncertain terms....that he was not to go near the woman again. Well, I read an article today in which she stated, for months after that, he repeatedly asked her "permission" to visit his lover in Argentina. I believe I've actually run out of derisive names to call this imbecile. (Guess not.)

His latest quote of sublime idiocy was that he was "trying" to fall back in love with his wife (Jenny Sanford) but he had found his true "soul-mate" in Maria Belen Chapur. The article said that he pines ...pines...for his Argentine lover. What woman, who has even an ounce of self-respect...a shred of dignity...could stay with a worm like this? My brother told me that Jenny Sanford is the heir to some power saw manufacturer's fortune (sorry, cannot recall the brand name). All I can say is, if I were Mr. Sanford, I'd be sleeping with one eye open around the "little woman." But at least a power saw makes a cleaner, swifter cut than the jagged edges of a broken beer bottle.

Now, how's that for a segway into the two minute replay from "Lady's Man?"