Monday, February 1, 2010

Eames In "Anti-Thesis"

Can't get over how young and "innocent" she looks. But then again that was seven plus years ago, and I don't look the same either. Luckily for me, however, there is no year-by-year video evidence to chronicle my aging process.

Eames Slideshow - "Anti-Thesis" - Season 2


Anonymous said...

I've been 'allergic' to pictures of me ever since I was old enough to hold my hands up in front of a camera and shout 'No!' On the odd chance I DO see a recent one (as rare an event as finding fresh dinosaur do-do!), I always think 'Who's that old bird?' It's a shock to realise that I may still believe in my head I'm young 'n' fresh, but pictorial evidence proves otherwise ;0)

Kate meanwhile, still looks wonderful (something I never did anyway).

BobbyG said...

I hear ya, Diane. When I die (even though I have forbidden my family to have a funeral...just put me in the ground next to Mom & Dad, I say) they would be hard pressed to put together a photo "memorial" that did not include photos of me without my hand flung up in front of my face. Some people are photogenic. I am not one of those people.

Music Wench said...

I love pre-angst Goren and Eames. Thanks for the lovely slideshow!

I hate having my picture taken. But I now have a child who is into photography and Photoshop...Nah I still hate having my photo taken. lol

BobbyG said...

Hi Music Wench. I keep doing the Eames slideshows because I know you enjoy them, so very glad you stopped by. The only way Photoshop could do me any good is if you Photoshopped someone else's head on someone else's skinny body and called it me.