Saturday, June 20, 2009

More About The Fly And The Prez

Well, I just got back a while ago from seeing "The Narrows" and the live satellite feed with Vincent D'Onofrio, et. al. I truly enjoyed the film and loved, loved, LOVED the live interview. I have a LOT to say about it all, but it is much too late to start a blog post about it tonight. I need to have a "fresh" and alert brain, so I can try to remember every miniscule detail. Plus, I'm hoping some enterprising soul "out there" managed to capture it all on video someway, and maybe it will be up on YouTube by the time I can get my thoughts "organized." You just know somebody did.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, when I got back to the motel, I did a quick blog check and discovered that Music Wench had found a little ditty in the continuing saga of the "Murder At The White House" as it has been dubbed by the folks over at "The Colbert Report." Granted, I don't follow this show, but I had to take a peek at the video after Music Wench recommended it. It did not disappoint. And you gotta love Jeff Goldblum's shameless, self-promoting plug for Law & Order CI. Cute.

Oh, and one last word about "The Narrows" and the disgusting insect that PETA is so worried about. How can I possibly connect the two, you ask? Keep reading. I'm not giving anything away here, so don't worry, but there is a scene in the movie when one of the characters...not telling his buddies that he heard a housefly both craps and pukes every six seconds. There happens to be a fly sitting on the edge of one of the guy's coffee cups and the kid counts off six seconds and starts laughing uproariously because...well his reckoning, the fly just crapped and puked in the guy's coffee. The other "gentleman" did not find it so amusing. (See, I told you I could make a connection.)

I guess what I'm trying to say is: with all the truly disturbing and potentially horrifying things confronting the world today: Things like...I don't know...Iran, North Korea, Iraq, poverty, starvation, a seriously flawed health care system, an economy that's in the name a we really need to concern ourselves about the untimely demise of a freakin' insect? And now I am officially done talking about the stupid fly "incident" at the White House.

I'm off to grab a few hour's sleep, spend tomorrow shopping and eating and catching-up with my friend, Betty. My goal for tomorrow evening shall be to devote my efforts to a post that will be "All About Vincent." Here is the video that Music Wench mentioned on her blog. Jeff Goldblum is quite amusing, but I have to ask: "What's up with the hair, dude?"

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Murder in the White House - Jeff Goldblum
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorStephen Colbert in Iraq