Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Two Truths And A Lie About LOCI

I was searching NBC, trying to find a copy of the video from SNL when Vincent D'Onofrio made a cameo appearance. Well, I came up empty-handed on that, but did come across this. I missed this somewhere along the way, which only makes me wonder what else may be "out there" that I have overlooked.

Anyway, the premise is: Vincent D'Onofrio and Jeff Goldblum are discussing three things that may or may not happen during Season 8 on Law & Order CI. Two things are supposed to be true and the third is a lie, and we get to guess which is the lie. It's cute. I especially liked it when VDO said, "...and drama will ensue." Also, it's funny to watch Goldblum stare "intently" at VDO while he's talking.