Saturday, April 19, 2008

I Love Lucy

TVLand has been running mini-marathons of the old "I Love Lucy" show for a while now. I don't watch it much...just if I'm channel-surfing and happen to pause on the station long enough to see what shenanigans or mischief she and Ethel might be up to. Most people tend to navigate toward the candy conveyor-belt episode as their favorite, but for me it's the "Vitameatavegamin" commercial that leaps to mind whenever I think about this show.

I was thinking about it today and popped over to YouTube and...sure enough...there were two or three videos posted there, and I couldn't resist posting one of them here. It's a bit long, but whether you're watching it for the first time or the hundredth time, it's still hilariously funny. It's "classic" Lucille Ball.

With thanks to "Caylee313" for the video. And, Linda, this one's for you.


Music Wench said...

My husband has been getting into old Lucy episodes on TVland. The humor never gets old, does it? We laugh just as hard every time we watch it even if we've seen it a hundred times. :)

val said...

I thought I'd grown out of Lucille Ball - all I can remember is the hyterical scenes - but this was good.

Bit weird, though, as I was watching it, I also had Becket on, and they were slaying him in the Cathedral - something of a contrast.

Jane said...

Lucy....I think you're going to have a hang over! Have to admit I've never been a big Lucy fan (Give me Carol Burnett and Mary Tyler Moore) But this is hysterical!

Anonymous said...

I remember watching 'I Love Lucy' as a child.

BobbyG said...

Tess, yes...I love Carol Burnett and Mary Tyler Moore, too. I just love to LAUGH! Your comment reminded me of...perhaps...THE funniest skit I've ever seen. It was on the Carol Burnett show. I'm sure it's on YouTube. If so, I'll be posting it soon.