Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Weekend Woes

Last Friday night, I made a huge mistake. I allowed myself to be lured to the “dark side” of the Internet. It all started with this “troll” (which I liken to a cockroach) that had infested Val’s “Life and Vincent” blog. This “person" (and I use the term loosely) had left a derisive comment about VDO and his devotees. Then another “anonymous” coward said that a bunch of VDO bloggers were the “talk” of a particular website.

So, stupid old me, being the “Curious George” that I am, trotted my big ol’ butt over to the aforementioned website, (I won’t be mentioning it by name here) did a little searching, and…wah lah…up popped a “thread” devoted solely to Vincent D'Onofrio. It was supposed to be about him and his wife and their new baby, but it rapidly deteriorated into this hideous, rancorous, completely pointless, vicious attack on Vincent and his family.

I should have exited the thread once I realized what I had unwisely stumbled upon, but I couldn’t stop myself from reading…all 497 comments. You know, they say that “curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought him back.” Take my word for it, there was absolutely nothing “satisfying” about this…drivel. I could not believe the despicable things that were being said about Vincent and his new baby boy.

And woe betide the individual who tried to post a favorable comment about Vincent; they were castigated in the most venomous, vulgar terms. Basically, anyone who liked VDO and tried to defend him was classified as being old, over the hill women (hausfraus) who were…mentally ill.

This site both angered and saddened me…then it depressed me. Granted, it doesn’t take much to stir that old demon depression these days, but this place really got me down. It angered me for the obvious reasons…trash talking Bobby/VDO and, more specifically, a completely innocent babe. And sad because…well…it distresses me to see so much blatant hostility, intolerance, ignorance, and unacceptance in this world. Posters on the thread sloughed off those who tried to take them to task for their offensive comments, stating that the website is known for its “gritty” style and that everything is said in good-natured humor. Trust me, folks, there was nothing remotely good-natured or amusing on that thread.

They trashed VDO for his weight…that was the main thing. They said he was a bad actor and was ugly. They had links to pictures of things like broken chairs and toilets and had tag lines that said something like, “This is what your house will look like following a visit from Vincent.” But the one that did me in…the link that made me want to pull my hair out by the roots and run screaming into the night…was the one to a blog devoted to “Why fat people smell.” By the time I finished reading this revolting diatribe, I was in tears.

I thought about posting a comment of my own…for about a nano-second. Then I realized Nietzsche was probably right, “Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster.” Besides, I did not wish to leave any part of myself there…they had already sucked out a piece of my soul. Another quote comes to mind: “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?” Well, not only does the Shadow know, but I now know, having visited the fifth ring of hell and come back to tell you all about it.

So, in parting, I apologize for shattering your innocence if you were unaware of the existence of this awful place…I just needed to write about it…to get it out of my brain and onto “paper.” My advice to you, "do as I say, not as I did." Do not go in search of this hellish place. You just might find it and, I promise you, it is a trip you will neither enjoy nor easily forget.

Now, to prove there is still a safe haven for Bobby/VDO admirers (this is but one of many) I give you the following photos. I know you’ve all seen them before, but he’s so darn cute, I just had to do a slideshow of my own.


Anonymous said...

my admiration and adoration of this man is more than satisfied by watching his dvd's and visiting the v-vixen's blogs... I need no more. I have never visited a forum or a chat room; I have neither the time nor the inclination to get caught up in this nonsense. It was very brave of you to sniff out the enemy and braver still to walk away from such people... I do wonder however if they just do it to provoke, knowing that someone will rise to the bait and get hooked.

Best to leave them alone in their darkness for they know not what they are missing by simply enjoying the sunshine that emanates and the sexiness that exudes from this man, warming our hearts and souls and quivering bodies.

BobbyG said...

Very well spoken, Ann. I think your comment about provoking on purpose to get a rise out of people is partly right. On the other hand, there are just some plain old MEAN people out there.

I used to visit forums and Yahoo Groups about VDO on occasion...just to find out "news" about him or LOCI. Now that I have discovered the "Vixen Blogs," they satisfy that need quite nicely.

Anonymous said...

Naturally, the golden rule of blogging is 'We must NOT respond to trolls' on the grounds, as one Internet site put it, that you're talking to sad thickos, but sometimes we all fall for it and go off to take a bite. Trouble is, if it smells like s**t, that's because it is s**t and you usually end up even more upset/angry - at least I do. As for the fetid troll swamp you visited, I wonder if they'd find it as amusing if instead of Vincent's name, it was theirs?! Anyway, if that's what gets them off in their sad little mean-spirited lives, then I guess we should be sorry for them. However, I think it's best not to register they exist at all! Vincent rocks, and fortunately, we know it ;0)

Anonymous said...

What can I say..out there mean people which don't have any personality,so they backstab people,and talk horrible trash about people!!SHAME ON THEM!!
What is happening to the world today??
Girls just don't read stuff like that,I don't want to upset yourself;just write great things about great hotty VDO!!

Eliza said...

I visited that place once,a couple of years ago...I WILL NEVER GO BACK!! It left me feeling disgusted at everyone for a while,until I remembered that I knew some nice people,with nice hearts and souls.

If admiring someone for the work they do,and the way they look,is wrong,then I think I'll keep being wrong,as often as possible :-)

Jane said...

Not familiar with that site (And I don't want to be) But I would be willing to guess that a lot of those 497 comments are from the same person, just using different names.

That's the way trolls operate, lots of identities, but still spewing the same hateful message.

Lovely slideshow. He's just EVERYTHING...Isn't he?! :)

BobbyG said...

ALL of you said some very wise things. I have a feeling you're right, Tess...a troll with multiple personalities...now there's a scary thought indeed.

As for VDO...he DOES rock and he is EVERYTHING. In fact, he's all that AND a bag of chips.

Goddessdster said...

Oh God! I was at this very same thread and it was very disturbing. Unlike you, BobbyG, I was unable to bring myself to read more than a couple of comments before I made myself stop. It wasn't just the glee with which they were tearing down one of my favorite actors, but the same glee translated into their tearing down of overweight people in general. All that hatred...one of my least favorite things about the Internet is the open forum through which people's bigotry and hatred are displayed publicly. And so my advice is to step. away. from. the. comment. thread. before it infects us all.

aprilspring said...

They are just jealous cause they can never find a man as faboulous As Vinnie. Thank God I never saw that blog. VDO is the greatest and I agree with all my VDO friends out there.

val said...

All they really need to do is look at these luscious pictures and they will know that he is NOT fat nor ugly, and his talents speak for themselves in his work.

Well done you!

BobbyG said...

Don't know if anyone will see this or not, but I just noticed that, if you look closely at the photo of VDO...the one immediatley following the one where KE is laughing uproariously...there is a bit of "tongue tease" going on there. Ooh la la!

And welcome to Goddessdster and Aprilspring. Always a pleasure to hear from fellow VDO fans.

jazzy said...

sometimes i reply to offending trash. depends on my mood. and i confess, it makes me feel better!

Music Wench said...

It never fails to amaze me how pathetic some people are. Whoever this person is who feels compelled to troll around boards and blogs and sites that are for Vincent fans needs to get a life. It's one thing to not like an actor, it's another to spend all that time and energy trashing him and angering his fans. Are they so desperate for attention they have to resort to that kind of thing?

The negativity is just such a waste of time and energy. Just another reason for me to not allow comments on my blog. I have better things to do with my life than deal with trolls. I used to let them annoy me into lashing out but really the best way to annoy them is ignore them. They want attention because they are so pathetic, being annoying is the only way they know how to get it. If we don't give it to them they'll go away.


I find it amazing that VDO can elicit such extremes in people. Both the faithful adoration of his fans and the incredible amount of vitriol he inspires from those who despise him.

Personally I find him endlessly fascinating in a very good way. :)

BobbyG said...

Very true, Music Wench...on all counts. On another topic, how did the move to the new digs go? Are you and hubby and the kitties all settled-in? Perhaps I should go check out your blog and see if you have a report for us.

Music Wench said...

The move went well, thanks. Still living out of boxes. LOL

Laura Cousins said...

It's so nice to be amongst people who feel the same was as I do about Vincent.