Saturday, September 6, 2008

Uncle Jay Explains The News

A friend sent me the following video about Congress, along with the link to the website Uncle Jay Explains The News.

Now, I believe I have made my position about politics pretty clear in that...I don't discuss 'em. For me, there is nothing to be gained by becoming embroiled in hashing and rehashing the qualities... desirable or not...of the same old tired politicians, making the same old tired promises that none of them keep. I mean, feathers get ruffled, blood pressures bubble to dangerously high levels, and friendships are severely tested.

I guess I'm just not into confrontations...never have been...never will be. I am, however, not opposed to poking fun at our political leaders...regardless of their party affiliation. Most of them are just begging for it anyway.

Uncle Jay's website states that he "helps small minds understand big news." Hmm? Not sure if I should be insulted or not. Oh, well. If nothing else, I found his videos pretty entertaining.

Uncle Jay Explains Congress

Uncle Jay Explains Liberals & Conservatives

Looking forward to next week when Uncle Jay...perhaps...has a go at explaining Sarah Palin. I wish someone could explain that to me, but I doubt it is possible.

Found all the vids at YouTube, posted by UncleJayExplains.