Thursday, August 14, 2008

Team "Jones"

Here are a few "team" caps from "Jones." This set has one of my all-time favorite scenes; i.e., the one when Henry opens the door at the nurse's apartment to find Eames and Goren, with guns at the ready, in the aperture. And Bobby says, "Hey, Don Juan, you're under arrest."

Don't know why, but that line, and the way he delivers it, and the look on Bobby's face, and the way he's holding that has always appealed to me.

Eames & Goren


Music Wench said...

I love the way they look together. So contrasting physically. He's tall, dark and very masculine in appearance and she's petite and very feminine. Yet their personalities are also quite contrary to their appearance. Goren being the one who tends towards being more emotional and Eames being more aloof when it comes to dealing with perps.

Balcer is a genius when it came to creating and then casting these two characters.

Anyway, those are the thoughts that popped into my head in looking at these older episode photos.

Love the caps! This was definitely a favorite episode. Like I said, my favorite moment was Bobby and his size 13 shoes! LOL

Thanks for all your hard work. Yes, I know you get to look at Bobby, too but still, it is quite a project. :)

jazzy said...

lol, i have prepared a jones-post, too myself. bobbyG. i am two steps behind you ;P

my fave line is "I wear 13"!
but that epi is filled up with unforgettable lines! eames' got great ones, too:
"The train's about to run out of gravy".

BobbyG said...

Great minds, Jazzy. I have three slideshows full of dialogue from "Jones" ready to post that include both pieces of dialogue you mentioned. LOL I just have to prepare my "lead-in" comments. It will be fun to compare our posts.

jazzy said...

looking forward to your "lead-in" job; i already know you are great with using words. plus i like your sense of humor ;)