Friday, August 1, 2008

Impromptu Road Trip

I just got a call here at work from my friend,, not the crazy "alleged" serial husband killer Cousin Betty...who lives in Columbus, inviting me up for the weekend. I told her I needed to think about it and would call her back. So, I thought about it for...oh, about two minutes...and called her back and said I would love to join her for the weekend.

Even though I will be taking my laptop with me, I'm not sure how much computer-time I will have, so I wanted to leave you with a little something "fun" that Kelly sent me this morning. All my kitty-loving friends are sure to get a kick out of this one.

It's called "Treadmill Kittens." The email Kelly sent was viewable in Windows Media Player, so I hunted it down on YouTube. It was posted there by MadhodMedia. Hope you enjoy it.

Oh, and I will be back in plenty of time Sunday evening to watch our Bobby...on that you may depend.


Anonymous said...

Have a lovely weekend, and enjoy our Bobby on Sunday!

Music Wench said...

That's just adorable! LOL We tried getting our 32 pound kitty Harley to walk on one of these. He wanted to have nothing to do with it. He started walking when we first turned it on but got all indignant and jumped off, giving us that "It's not funny!" look. :)

val said...

That is just great! My old class at school would have loved it, but when we go back I don't have them any more :(

val said...

OK, I have no idea what I meant by the part of my commen that comes after "That's just great". Who am I again?

BobbyG said...

It's okay, Val. Just chalk it up to excitement over the new Bobby LOCI episode tonight.

Jane said...

I have No doubt my cat 'Gillian' would love the treadmill! This is so cute :)

jazzy said...

aaaaaaaaw cats!

btw i don't know why, but i like your crazy alleged serial husband killer cousin betty xD