Monday, November 5, 2007

All Work And No Play...

...Makes BobbyG a cranky girl. (See picture below.)

Well, after posting a flurry of items on Friday, I sort of hit a dry spell. Part of the reason is, I have so many things I want to write about, I can’t decide which to do first. Then there is this overwhelming, consuming need to screen cap a certain sexy detective’s latest episode. That takes a lot of time. Then, I’ve been spending so much time blogging and fiddling around with the photos I capped that I had been neglecting my "Bobby story," and my heroine was starting to grow a wee bit “frustrated”…if you know what I’m talking I had to write a few pages on that yesterday afternoon.

But the primary thing that has kept me from my blogging is that most dastardly of the four letter words…W-O-R-K. You see, we are getting ready for a program audit by the federal agency that oversees the main loan program we administer. I am the one responsible for getting us ready for that audit…plus somehow contrive to get the rest of my “regular” work done. Consequently, I brought work home with me over the weekend. I went in early this morning, worked through lunch, and brought more work home with me this evening…about three hours worth.

One of the things my department has to have is a Policy & Procedures Manual which states, in nauseating detail, every little nit-picking thing we do...from the moment a loan request walks through our door until it pays off. You’ll never guess who got to write said document. Okay, so you’re a better guesser than I thought. Gotta say, not my most creative endeavor, although I do tout it as my latest work of "fiction"…mainly because no one will pay any attention to it...especially Andy. (Remember him? Bow-tie man.) But the SBA says we have to have a manual, so have a manual we do. I am tempted to insert a line that states, “Here is our Loan Manual. No one will adhere to the policies set forth within, but you bureaucrats said we had to have a manual, so here it bloody well is.”

“Tempted” is the key word here. Though I may grouse from time to time, all things considered, I do like my job. Besides, a girl has to have a source of income with which to purchase her Bobby shirts…right Linda?

This is BobbyG when work interferes with her “me” time.

Found this on Google.


Anonymous said...

It can be very frustrating when life-time plays havoc with Vincent-time ;0)

Good luck anyway!

BobbyG said...

Yes indeed...very frustrating.

Actually, the audit does not take place until December 3rd through the 7th. We will have a "team" of auditors invade our office for a week. Oh happy, happy day. They have a list of reports and financials and other documents they want to review prior to their visit, and that's what I'm working on now.

I'm sure I'll have lots of stories to rant about when the actual audit takes place.

How was your birthday?

val said...

Ah yes, work, that terrible thing that gets in the way of reall life (not to mention fantasy...)