Monday, June 9, 2008

Radio Interview With Vincent

Again, my standard disclaimer...I know you've seen this on "The Reel" or at YouTube, but I like to have a central location for my Bobby/VDO vids.

So, now that that's out of the way, I just listened to it. Vincent sounds a little garbled, but it's him. I loved the part when they're discussing his smart Goren is, etc., and VDO says something about the viewers taking a "leap of faith" with him. Oh, yeah...we can do that...and so much more.

This video was posted on YouTube by Allthingslawandorder and I thank you so much for doing so.


val said...

There were times when it didn't sound like him at all, then a little Vincentism would slip in.

BobbyG said...

I agree, Val. At first, I thought someone was playing a joke on us, but then he said something or his voice trailed off a certain way, and I said, "Yep, that's him."

Would love for him to be interviewed by someone intelligent, someone who knows something about his life and his career...besides the fact that he gained 70lbs. for "Full Metal Jacket."

Jane said...

I agree! It's so rare to have a Vincent interview, it would be nice if the interviewers would ask current questions like....How do you feel about Warren Leight leaving?

Anonymous said...

I just felt sorry he was subjected to those idiots at all. I'm really not convinced they knew who the hell he was. Gee, asking him about putting on weight for FMJ, 20 years after it happened. How original! They're lucky Vincent is so gracious...and it was wonderful to hear his voice (down a seemingly not very wonderful phone connection)